Sunday, March 22, 2009

More News...

Spring Break is already over and I have to go back to school tomorrow! Kacy and Joella`s visit was great! I met them at the airport. Their flight was 20 minutes late!!! But they arrived safely and I was ever so happy to see some loved people from home! We went home and they slept. It was a long trip.
The first day they were here I showed them around the little city where most hings are around me. We did puri-kura and then met Tiki for some karaoke! afterwards we went with my roommate Heather and friend Stacia to an Italian restaurant (do not judge) and then went to go see Dragonball Evolution!!!! It was in English with Japanese subtitles. I was not expecting it to be as good as it was but I was quite enjoyable. Joella fell asleep but she does that normally during movies.
The second day they were here I took them to a place in Kyoto, Uji! I love Uji! It has a lot of little Shrines and has a pretty river. We just walked around and talked. Uji is famous for its green tea, so there is greent ea flavored everything there. They have green tea, candy, kit-kats, soba noodles, ice cream, and other things. I love green tea so I do not mind! A guy when we walked by him tried to speak to us in spanish. I was absolutely confused! I had never taken a spanish class a day in my life and what he said did not sound like japanese to me! But Kacy recognized it. "Did he just say `Como Estas`?" Laughing a bit I corrected him by saying that we spoke Enlgish! So he tried to speak to us in english. The thing that made his broken english better was the fact that he had green tea powder on his lips eating away at his green tea ice cream. But it was funny! he even got his picture taken with us and asked us to write to him (he gave me his card). I walked away laughing a bit with no intention of doing so. For dinner we went to a revolving sushi bar. Joella is a little picky (understatement) with her food, but she did try some hamburger sushi (yes it is cooked)! then she had chicken nuggets... Kacy tried hotdog sushi! My friends are so adventurous!!! Kacy did try other things with that though. She tried kani-miso (a type of crab sushi that I like and tempura, which I also love.
The third day I took them to another place in Kyoto. Tiki met us there after he got off of work so and we were just looking around the shop areas at first. Kacy bought some souvenirs for people. We ate at a restaurant called Star where they specialize in oma-rice, which is an omlet wrapped around rice. Most of the time they just put ketchup on it but sometimes depending on what kind you get they have different sauces. Oma-rice is delicious except they sometimes put chopped up pig in the rice and I am not okay with that! After we ate we began our walk to Kiyomizu-dera (clear water temple). They were having a special light ceremony and are usually closed during the night but I got to take them to see it. Kiyomizu is surrounded by trees and is on a mountain so it was a bit of a hike but it was still a lot fo fun! There are a lot of shops along the way to the temple and Kacy bought herself a coinpurse and Joella bought some things for some of her friends. Because that was St. Patrick`s day we were going to go to karaoke afterwards but for some reason I was not feeling very well and we ended up just going back home when we were done.
Their fourth day I just showed them around my campus. We ate lunch in my cafeteria and then I took them to Japan`s version of Wal-Mart, Donki-hote. Donki-hote sells everything, including louis-vutton, and coach! After that I took them to a park near my house where the plum blossoms were and we rode our bikes around (Since Stacia and Heather went to Okinawa Kacy and Joella got to borrow their bikes). Afterwards I took them to an okinomiyaki place to eat. Okonomiyaki is kind of like Japan`s version of a pancake but it is not sweet. It has the flour in it but it also has vegetables and meat. After we ate we met up with Tiki for some more karaoke. We were there for 5 hours which was more that I thought we were there for. Time flew by a bit there! But it was a good day!
The Fifth and last full day I took them to another shrine (Temples are Buddhist. Shrines are Shinto and free of charge.). Fushimi-Inari is another place located on a mountain. I mean Japan is 80% mountain so it`s no surprise. I went there back in September and did not realize that I had only walked a fourth of the temple! We went up so many stairs and actually went up the entire mountain! It was a beautiful view of the city down below and also a great nature hike through the forest. The weather was beautiful and clear and had a great breeze so it made it a lot easier to go up all of the stairs. We were not going to but I saw a lot of old people walking down the stairs so I figured if they could do it so could we! And we did and afterwards I thought my legs were going to fall off... But it was worth it. It was a great time. For dinner I took them to a real Ramen place and then we met three of my friends at an amusement space to play sports and video games for a set price. We played badmitton, putt-putt, did the batting cages, b-ball, I rode a bull, did DDR, and a lot of other things. We ended up leaving early because we were so exhausted from our adventure earlier, plus Tiki wanted to stop by and say good-bye before they left the following day. So when we got back Tiki arrived and we spent the next hour and a half talking. Tiki left and not soon afterwards we fell asleep.
Friday was their last day, so I had to take them to the bus stop. We first stopped by the seven eleven so they could stock up on some Japanese snacks (melon bread) before they left. The bus ride was silent because we were still a little tired. They got to the airport and I got them situated and then we roamed around looking for places to spend their last bit of yen. Starbucks of course was a good place to go. I helped them buy their foods and then I had to make my way back to the bus. It was sad saying good-bye again but I had a lot of fun while they were here. It was great just laying on the floor talking until we fell asleep like we used to! It was a great visit and I am really glad that they came to see me. Being a translator was quite fun and it made me feel good about my japanese skills (which are no where near fluent).
Saturday Tiki graduated from College! I of course went with him, but Japanese graduations are A LOT different from American ones. There was no specific seating order and the only people allowed in the ceremony were the graduates. I not thinking that and Tiki not knowing that we went in and I sat next to him and then realized that I was NOT supposed to be there. But no one said anything to me whan I walked in and they handed me a pamphlet so I guess it was not too big of a deal, except for the fact that I was the only non-asian in the audience. But again no one said anything! When the ceremony began I was really surprised that not everyone stopped talking. People everywhere inthe the audience continued their conversations like there was no one on stage! I was upset because it made it harder for me to understand whwat was going on! There was too much background noise for me to concentrate on the speaker so I barely understood any of it! Tiki kept falling asleep so I kept poking him and telling him that he should pay attention to his graduation. It was CRAZY!!!! Afterwards he had to go and get his actaul diploma so I hung out outside and waited for him to come out so we could get free food! At 4 we had a big frisbee game which was fun but the field was taken over a bit by people playing soccer and pther people trying to take pictures for almost 2 hours! But when everything died down we were able to play a real game of frisbee and everything was great!
Yay! Congrats Grads!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sorry for the wait...

Sorry everyone for waiting so incredibly long to write again!! I have been busy, and when I am not busy I just forget... But do not worry I am still alive and having just as much fun as ever!
My second semester started the beginning of February and I love all of my teachers! I am of course taking japanese speaking, then japanese reading/writing, religion in Japan, and Japanese pop media and culture (or something like that). My religion teacher is the same as last semester. She`s cool. My Japanese pop media and culture is an interesting class. It is actually a lot about manga, which I am not a huge fan of (weird considering most people that come to Japan love manga and anime) but none the less the class keeps my attention and the teacher is awesome too.
I have been living in a house with two other people since December 22nd and it works out really well! I love them both, the reason I wanted to live with them, so I am happy! Even though I am not there all the time it is cool two have amazing roommates. Will is from Britain and absolutely hilarious!!! It is always fun when he comes home drunk and jumps on me to wake me up to tell me a story! He is a great guy even if he doesn`t always clean his dishes. Heather is a spunky up-beat girl from hawaii! She always has a fun story to tell and has the same love for coffee that I do! We were so excited when my mom sent us the bag of Starbucks ground coffee!! I am convinced that Japan`s coffee is crap and I hate it! You can only get good coffee at Starbucks and after a while that gets expensive especially since their tall is the same price as America`s grande! So we enjoyed our American coffee that came from Columbia!
My 21st B-day was awesome! I went shopping with Tiki during the day and he bought me coffee and lunch and then made me a steak dinner!!! Around 8 we met up with some of my friends that were still around for winter break at karaoke!!! I refused to do 21 shots but I did get a little drunk and had a hangover for the entire next day! but it was fun and I remember it all and that is what`s important!
Tiki and I have been dating for about 4 and a half months, 5 months on the 25th! For my birthday he had made a necklace for me which he designed himself. I`m not talking about a beaded necklace. He carved the design out of wax and sent off somewhere, where they made a mold of the design and then made it into a silver pendant. It is a music note with wings and a heart in the middle. The funny thing about it is that i watched him make this and had no idea that it was for me! (He did not make the heart until the very end, so I never saw the heart.) For Valentine`s Day (yes, they celebrate it here too!) in Japan, girls give guys chocolate. But there are 2 different kinds of chocolate. If you want to give a guy that is just a friend chocolate then you give him just chocolate that you bought at the store. If you like a guy or have a boyfriend you MAKE them chocolate. That way it has a more special meaning. So, I made him chocolate! It had sprinkles on it and I was very proud of the little chocolate morsels! Girls do not recieve anything on Valentine`s Day! But that is ok because exactly a month later, March 14th, there is White Day! Where the in return of some chocolates the boyfriend gets the girlfriend something more expensive!
My friend Jess was in the area for about 3 months during her break! She is studying in Tokyo right now! She was living at Kae`s but would come over to my place and visit every now and then! Jess is always fun so I never minded when she was around. She left about a week ago to go back to Tokyo and actually started classes on monday, which is crazy late!
This Saturday, two of my best friends from home are coming to visit for spring break and I am SO EXCITED!!! Kacy, Joella, and I have been friends since I was a freshman on my high school swim team. If you are friends with me on facebook you will notice that Joella and I are actually "engaged". I am so excited about being able to show them around! I have some great places to take them to and lots of things to share! I have not seen them since they saw me off at BWI at 6 in the morning!
The only bad thing about Joella and Kacy coming is that midterms are the week right after spring break!!! What the heck!! I am not going to write my speach or study when they are there! that`s stupid! Why would they do that to us! I know a lot of my friends that are going to be out of country too! I know they aren`t going to study! People are stupid and need to realize that we are college students and we do not think about school during spring break because it is infact a break from school!!!
I hope everything is well with everyone! I miss you all and again I am sorry that it took me so long to write again!!! Be safe! Stay healthy!

Friday, December 5, 2008

First semester almost done...

When I realize how quickly this semester went by, I realize how much one semester here just wouldn't be enough! There is so much here that I just haven't seen or done yet! And I am really sad to see some of my friends leaving at the end of this semester! I am learning a lot but I need more time to use what I have been learning in order to keep up with it.
With Christmas coming up, I am a little sad that I won't get to see my family but I think I will somehow survive. Christmas in Japan is a little different than what it is back in the States. Actually it's extremely different. They all eat cake and go to KFC and get a bucket of chicken and then spend it with their Boyfriend or Girlfriend. They have the image of Santa but I am not sure they actual know about him. It's not really about giving gifts and Family too much during Christmas. I don't actually have any plans for Christmas. Tiki is working so maybe I'll probably hang out with him afterwards. But besides that I am not too sure what is going on. I hope to catch my family on Skype and watch them open presents up.
I am really excited to spend New Years here. I'm going to Kae's mom's house with Jessica and we are going to have probably a NABE PARTY!!!! I love nabe! So I'm excited for that!
Next semester two of my friends and I are looking into getting a house. Tiki, Heather and I are going to go check it out on Monday. It's 400 dollars a month split between 3 people... It's probably an older house but it would save me so much money! Living in the dorms is like 1700 dollars for the semester so I'm pretty happy with not paying that much next semester. I hope to get the house sometime before my birthday...
Now I am just trying to get ready for finals and all of that... Oh goodness... I hate this time of year!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Long time no write...

Sorry I haven't written in a while. I have been a little tied down with school work and little adventures... I really am enjoying my time here in Japan. I have met a lot of interesting, and cool people here from all over the world! I'm sorry I have not taken the time to write down all of the things that I have been up to lately. But the words I write do not give any justice to the actual experience.
Not all experiences are amazing. I didn't expect that when I got here. My listening skills are slowly getting better than my speaking skills and sometimes I still feel like I cannot speak Japanese. Usually when I am not talking to one of my friends and I am talking to a clerk at a store they stare a me as if I am not speaking Japanese at all. Things like that are extremely discouraging but I try not to let them bother me. I still get the strange looks everywhere I go, especially from the older people... I occasionally get dirty looks from girls around my age. But I think thats because they are jealous that I can be skinny but still have curves and don't feel like I need a pound of make-up to make me look pretty. I guess the only culture shock that I have kind of experienced is the staring. I mean I was stared at in America on occasion but not so intensely as I have been here. I mean it's not like they have never seen a foreigner before. Half of their media are people from America. Cameron Diaz is in a commercial for Softbank the phone company I have. Jamie Lee Jones is the face of Boss coffee! They LOVE Tom Cruise here (?)! But I still get the OMG what are you stares from children. Sometimes they are cute and smile at me and then other times they gape at me. But I like to think that everyone stares at me because they think I'm pretty... I can dream!
Classes are ok. I like my classes I find them interesting but that doesn't mean I want to be there all of the time. In my speaking class we are writing a skit that we have to video tape. It sounds cool but it's time consuming and I have other time consuming things that I have to do that I would rather not do... I have two papers that are due at the end of the semester. I have yet to start one and the other one I have less than to pages left on it!!!! YAY!
Today is Thanksgiving! And I have no turkey... *sigh* I do miss turkey a lot! I haven't had turkey since I left! But I have found a new love for shrimp. I liked shrimp before but now I LOVE it! Fried shrimp is probably my favorite thing here. I have had rice EVERYDAY since I have been here. Except for one day and I was totally surprised when I realized it. I love going to 7-11 or Lawson to get my onigiri, which is a rice ball with something in the middle wrapped with seaweed! The tuna one is my favorite, or the seaweed with seaweed in it... that one is delicious too!
One thing I have a hard thing understanding is that the colder it seem to get outside the less clothes that the Japanese girls seem to wear... it baffles me! Today alone I saw 3 different butt cheeks from girls! Their skirts are so short! And I don't even think it's because they are trashy or slutty or whatever, they just wear skimpy clothes. They all wear ridiculous heals or boots with heals. The heals are not very stable and some of them end up walking bow-legged. Some of them are very vain! I saw one girl curling her hair in the cafeteria! I think that was a little too much! They all dye their hair light brown or they try to get it as blond as possible, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't even recognize themselves without make up on. Which is very sad because they are all gorgeous or extremely cute girls. It makes me sad that they think that they have to try so hard to get attention...
I'm sure most of you probably guessed that I would get a boyfriend while I was here and I guess those who did won't be surprised when I say that I do have a boyfriend. His name is Tomohisa Toda but his nickname is Tiki. His English is pretty amazing considering he never studied abroad. He is really cool, funny, smart sweet, nice, and so much fun to hang with. He helps me study too so it makes it that much nicer to have a boyfriend here.
I hope everyone has a great holiday!!!! Take care! I love you all!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Sorry it has taken me so long to write in my blog again! I have been a little busy! I did end up going shopping last weekend! I got an awesome shirt that is has English on it but makes almost no sense! I cannot wait to wear it! "Girl loves the heart. Feature of girls heart. You should be so lucky! Waiting for you. Take delight in your heart in 1987. I give you some love... It is nostalgic. Finding shining heart." It makes no sense at all! I'm pretty excited! It's long sleeved though so I want to wait until it gets colder out. I also got that baby mickey that I wanted! It is the epitome of cute! After shopping i went to Karaoke with some of the other people in my seminar house. The karaoke place was pretty awesome! We got a pretty big room and all you could drink! I sang like 3 songs with the Japanese girls that met us there! They were pretty excited that I knew some pretty awesome Japanese songs!
The rest of the week was just class and frisbee and hanging out with Tiki and Justin. On Wednesday I went to block Shouhei from catching the frisbee and we both jumped up into each other except I jumped into his back and I fell on my back and got the wind knocked out of me. It was worth it because he didn't catch the frisbee so the other team didn't score! Yay me! But I think it might have jarred my neck a bit because it hurts to move it. I played frisbee a lot this week because the weather has been so gorgeous! It's still nice and warm out and I couldn't be happier about it! I am in no hurry for the cold to start making its way over!
Today I am going to meet Jessica at the train station!!!!!!!!! I thought that I was gonna have to go by myself but luckily, because it's a 3 day weekend, my friend Yasu is going to the same train station so he can go home to Kyushuu. If not then I would have to get off one train and make my way to the subway and get on the subway to where ever Jess is! I had directions but I'm glad that I have someone with me that actually knows where he's going. And then from the train station Kae is going to pick us up after he class! This weekend is going to rock! I haven't seen Kae since I want to Kyoto with her and I haven't seen Jess since August the 16th! That is like a life time! Well Jess hasn't seen Kae since the end of May so I guess that is longer... Anyways I am really looking forward to this 3 day weekend! I have midterms in 2 weeks and I am not too thrilled about that...